Connie’s Original Songs
(See below for song lyrics)

Connie’s Gospel Favorites
Connie’s Original Song Lyrics
It’s My Reward
1. There’s a place in heaven that’s filled with angels and they sing praise unto God on his throne. They were created just special to sing unto him yet their reward is none greater than ours.
I’ve got a mansion that awaits me just beside the streets of gold I’ve got a crown it’s a crown of life that’ll never rust – and I’ll never grow old, but most of all – I want to see Jesus the one who saved me by his grace.
I’ll live forever – I’ll sing his praises – to Christ my king – he’s my loving savior
I’ll praise his name throughout eternity.
2. When my labor here is finished and I’ve run my race I’ll lay down this old life and I’ll receive my reward, I have fought a good fight and I’ve kept the faith now there’s a reward up in heaven and it’s all mine.
— I’ve got a mansion throughout eternity.
When I Kneel
1. He wasn’t born a sinful man, the way I was
but how I thank him, for all his love.
He didn’t die the way I will but gave his life for all
that through his blood life I have still.
I thank you Lord for all you did, for all my sins you forgive, help me to always do thy will.
So all that happened on Golgotha’s very lonely hill
I’ll always remember when I kneel.
2. You’ll never know the joy I feel until you kneel
and let the Lord fill, your heart with love
and then when he comes in the clouds to take his children home you’ll be so glad eternal life you will have.
I thank you Lord for all you did, for all my sins you forgive, help me to always do thy will.
So all that happened on Golgotha’s very lonely hill
I’ll always remember when I kneel.
— Yes I’ll always remember when I kneel.
His Name is Jesus
1. T’was just an old rugged tree they hung my blessed savior on, they placed upon His head a crown of piercing thorns they nailed his hands and feet, they mocked his name and made him weep. God sent his son to give life to you and me.
His name is Jesus oh precious Jesus what a savior, what a friend, this man Jesus, what a sacrifice he made, he came to earth, man’s soul to save, I love him so, oh praise his name, it’s Jesus
2.T’was just a tomb made of stone they placed my blessed savior in, they bound him in grave clothes and in front, they rolled a stone, yet in three days he arose oh such a victory had n’re been known, twas God’s own son and he had done the father’s will.
3. And now my soul is set free for Jesus cared enough for me he gave his life he shed his blood on the tree so that from sin we may free and now can live in eternally in all the glory he has prepared for you and me.
His name is Jesus oh precious Jesus what a savior, what a friend, this man Jesus, what a sacrifice he made, he came to earth, man’s soul to save, I love him so, oh praise his name, it’s Jesus
Won’t You Let Him Help You?
1. If your life is filled with problems and it seems there is no end to all the trials that you encounter and your hope seems so dim. There’s a light within my Jesus at the alter you’ll find him there and he’ll set you on the right road just turn your life toward him.
1st Chorus:
He’s standing there with outstretched arms saying come unto me you heavy-laden and I will give you rest. He’s standing there with outstretched arms saying com unto me you heavy-laden and I will give you rest.
2. Does the burden seem so heavy from the load that you bear and you’re crushed beneath the sorrows of this world’s cares? Well just take your cares to Jesus at the cross and leave them there cause he bore our every burden on the cross of Calvary.
2nd Chorus:
Just look to Jesus lay your cares on him he’s there to help you free your soul from sin.
There is no problem too big for Jesus. Won’t you let him help you? Give your all to Him.
3. Is your life filled with disappointment full of gloom and despair you feel you missed out on the blessing that your friends seem to share. Well there’s a light within my Jesus and there’s joy to share and you can find your life’s worth living just put your trust in Him.
3rd Chorus:
Just look to Jesus lay your cares on him he’s there to help you free your soul from sin.
There is no problem too big for Jesus. Won’t you let him help you? Give your all to Him.
— Just let him help you, give your all to Him.
He Set My Spirit Free
He set my spirit free oh he set my spirit free I gave him all I had and now I am set free, I once was in sins bondage but Jesus came to me I gave him all I had and set my spirit free
1. Jesus cleansed the leper and made him whole, Jesus healed the blind man he could see forevermore, Jesus healed the lame man he jumped and praised the Lord, they gave him all they had and he set their spirit free
2. I once was deep in sin, couldn’t find no peace within, I prayed and asked dear Jesus if he would enter in He said come home my child turn from your wicked ways, I gave him all I had and he set my spirit free
3. Now Jesus lives within my heart and now I’m happy and free he mended up my broken heart and he made my eyes to see that Jesus is the only way to have sweet victory I gave him all I had and set my spirit free
He set my spirit free oh he set my spirit free I gave him all I had and now I am set free, I once was in sins bondage but Jesus came to me I gave him all I had and set my spirit free
— Yes I gave him all I had and set my spirit free!